Monday, June 10, 2024

DIY Budget Travel in Israel: Day 3 Part 2 Exploring Jerusalem

July 6, 2019
This is a photo and video journal of Day 3 Part 2 of our DIY budget travel to Israel. After visiting Bethlehem, we returned to Jerusalem to discover other famous pilgrimage sites.
Getting There
This is our afternoon's travel itinerary route for today. We only walked around these famous pilgrimage sites due to their proximity.

The Garden Tomb
The Garden Tomb is located outside the city walls of Jerusalem near Damascus gate with Skull Hill as its background. It is a Christian pilgrimage site considered by some Protestants to be the empty tomb where our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was resurrected.
The directional street signage to major tourist attractions in Jerusalem.

The German Association of the Holy Land

I imagine myself preaching the Word of God in this open-air auditorium inside the garden tomb complex.

The Skull Hill

This rock-cut tomb was unearthed in 1867

The empty tomb

Souvenir gift shop
Damascus Gate
The Damascus Gate is one of the main gates of the Old City of Jerusalem. Its Arabic name is Bab Al Amud which means Gate of the Column. 
Traveling on a budget??? No Worries😊😊😊

Via Dolorosa
The Via Dolorosa is Latin for the Sorrowful Way, also known as The Way of Suffering is a pilgrimage route in the Old City of Jerusalem representing the path that Jesus took on the way to his Crucifixion.

The Church of our Lady of Sorrow, Jerusalem

The Catholic pilgrimage route of 14 Stations of Cross. In Station 3, Jesus fell for the first time while carrying His cross.

The Praetorium

Jewish Quarter
The Jewish and Armenian Quarters are the traditional quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Click this link πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰budget-friendly routes while traveling in the Philippines

The Western Wall 
The Western Wall famously known as the Wailing Wall is a portion of ancient limestone that is a part of a larger retaining wall of the hill known to Jews and Christians as the Temple Mount.


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